Final Examination or National Examination or we call it “Ujian Nasional” in Indonesian less three months. Any preparation do by student, student of High School and Junior High School. Precisely, 22nd of March 2010 for High School and for Junior High School is one week after it. Initially, the final examination will be spreaded out at 15th of March 2010. Because any problem and condition, it adjourned one week. The event of Final Examination actually deprecated by any student and parents. Their opinion are the final examination only make a fear effect to student. They study during three years at school, only determined in a week event of final examination. So, if you can not pass that week, your struggle during three years be in vain ( I hope that will never happen for us) . Therefore, very risky for student who can not follow the test. But there always two side of opinion. Any of them pro with national examination. They are agree with national examinaton event, say that standardization is important for this country education parameter. How it will be, if there not size or standardization in education, so we shall not know how big Indonesian student ability. Because of that, many controversy always debated approach final examination. The update is, The Supreme Court of Indonesia or “Mahkamah Agung” averses national examination submission by Education Department of Indonesia or “Departemen Pendidikan”. Although so, The Minister of Education or “Menteri Pendidikan” alongs with the staff in Education Departement, still will be spread out the national examination. Their opinion is if National Examination inexistence will breaks government regulation that appointed previous. Estimation for National Examination 2010 even also approved by Parlement, so that not possible to doesn't spread out national test. The conclusion is the final examination still will be spread out although they are that averse and want to cancel it. That is impossible too for us to decline that because the final examination less more one hundred days, a short time, isn’t it?. Always study, struggle to one focus, pass the final examination, that is it!. So, keep spirit and keep study!!.
NB: If you want to know the lattice of final examination 2010 or “Kisi-Kisi Ujian Nasional 2010”, click here. Or you want to know the regulation of minister education or “Permendiknas” click here.
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Thanks before, Keep spirit!!